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Home > Privacy > Technology and Student Privacy
Technology and Student Privacy
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Technology is a critical part of the 21st century classroom, we believe there is great potential for the use of online apps/tools to improve teaching and learning. The ever increasing availability of online teaching and learning resources comes with inherent risks and concerns regarding student data, privacy and student work. We as a district have a responsibility to ensure that student's data and privacy is adequately protected while using any online digital resource for school work. The Governor Wentworth Regional School District is providing the following information/resources for parents so that they can better understand what student data is, how student data is collected and used and the laws and practices that the district adheres to in order to protect student data and privacy.*


Student Data Privacy Resources for Parents:



Google Privacy and Terms                                                                    

Protecting Student Privacy                                                                               

Data Quality Campaign- Why Education Data?                                 

Student Privacy 101: FERPA for Parents and Students                    

A Parents’ Guide to Student Data Privacy                                          

Google GSuite for Education Privacy & Security Info                                 ​

​Internet Safety                                                                                        

Be Internet Awesome!                                                                           

Common Sense Media                                                                          


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